mvglmmRank 1.2-4 (2023-01-07)
- Added DOI links to references in Description.
mvglmmRank 1.2-3 (2023-01-06)
- Added paper reference about potential bias in the home field effect estimates
- Changed default for REML.N to TRUE
mvglmmRank 1.2-2 (2018-08-24)
- Corrected output of offensive and defensive team ratings when method="N"
mvglmmRank 1.2-1 (2018-04-19)
mvglmmRank 1.2-0
mvglmmRank 1.1-2 (2015-11-13)
- Changed option method="Richardson" to method="simple" for jacobian function
from package numDeriv
- Changed the sign of the Hessian
- Now reports scaled conditional residuals for models N and NB
mvglmmRank 1.0-2 (2014-07-10)